tisdag 3 maj 2011

9. Day 5 and how I massage

Much easier to get up today so I guess it's getting better :D
Went by buss today and can't really say that I did enjoy the ride. Damn it, that hurt! Where the hell did the driver get his license!!!!

Anyway...time for some pictures. My boobs are getting a bit softer, especially the right one. The left breast is still a bit disabled :(
No, not really that bad.

Mirror-perspective! The right one is the left one and the other way around ;)

My right breast is becoming rounder but it's just been 5 days so PATIENCE!

Massage 1: I put my hand under my breast to support it while I push down the implant with my other hand, but of course, not to rough!

Massage 2: I use both hands and put them under/next to the lower part of my breast and press against my rib cage/ upwards but softly, not too hard.

Well, I guess that's it for today. So far so good, no inflammation or any other strange things happening. Knocking on wood constantly!

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